Today, I have the van at work. Melody and I bought the van in 2005, and this is the first time I have taken it to work. I had to pickup something that was bigger than what my car could handle, so… Anyway, driving this big vehicle made me think, and think a little more… Continue reading Appropriate vehicle
Category: Melody
Things about Melody.
“Meldody’s home!”
Kase and Gus have been so cute these last two weeks. OK, I’ll admit it, they are always cute… for example, when they were singing ‘Jingle Bells’ the whole time they were at Kohl’s earlier this week, and all the other customers thought it was the cutest thing… but that is not the point here.… Continue reading “Meldody’s home!”
Curtain Conundrum
Melody sent this to a friend in an email, and I thought I would share it with the world. If you have any advise or comments, please let us know. Good morning! I need some decorating advise. And it seems you know what you are doing (and you offered) I thought I would ask you.… Continue reading Curtain Conundrum