
Welcome to the new Tadych.us. Some of you may be familiar with the look and feel of this site, others may not. I will post some helpful hints later. But for now, look around and get a feel for the site.

On the right –> is where all the links are. Scroll down to see them all, and try clicking on anything worth while.

Gallery is fully integrated with the new design of Tadych.us, so you should be able to find all the old pictures you liked so much! And like before, you can still leave comments on the pictures, and you can also now leave comments on these main page posts.

I will check in with you later, but until then, please leave a comment and let me know what you think of the new design!

Categorized as General

1 comment

  1. Looks good so far. I might have to ‘borrow’ some of the things you’re doing here if I ever get my site running again.

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