Florida Trip – Day 1

Hey all! Melody and I made it back to Wisconsin. We are glad to see our boys again, but miss the Florida weather.

So now I will bore you to sleep with a multiple post, day-by-day of our trip.

Thursday, March 2:

  • No pictures on Thursday, you will have to wait until the “Friday” post.
  • We dropped Tinker at the doggy hotel, and dropped the boys off in Watertown at Grandma Amy’s. Not too many tears.
  • Flew from Milwaukee to Kansas City, Kansas City to Orlando. Chocolate chip cookies and leather seats on both trips.
  • Shuttled from the airport to our car rental place, where I was convinced to upgrade my economy car to a red 2006 Ford Mustang Convertible. They really had to twist my arm hard! (Come to think of it, I didn’t even see an “economy car” in the rental lot!)
  • Only got lost twice trying to get to our resort (it is dark, and I turned the wrong way. Luckily, I had a good navigator to get back on track). Eventually checked in safely, somewhere around 9 PM.
  • Still had not eaten dinner, so we cruised over to Wal-Mart for some groceries, and then a quick run through McD’s (somewhere around midnight now).
  • Back at the resort, we got ready for KSC on Friday.

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