Two things about Church:
First, we went to Church this weekend, and the entire time, the pastor never wore his robe (or whatever it may technically be called). I have never been in an actual service where this has happened. Have you? It was kind of weird, but refreshing at the same time. I think he did it because he was also playing in the band during this service, and he was running back and forth from the alter to the band area. Kase was jamming to the music, and Gus was bopping along too, and everyone in Church noticed it!
Secondly, Our church needs to be re-shingled on it’s new addition, so I have volunteered to give a hand on Father’s Day weekend. I have some experience with roofs now, so I am looking forward to it. Oh, and don’t worry about the heights. It is not a typical church roof or church building, so the slope is not too steep. But, if you have an air compressor or roofing nail gun I could borrow, I will take it off your hands for a weekend!