
The time to breathe is near. The cold is settling in while the body shivers. The sun through the leaves is calming. The rustle of the city settles. The time to breathe is near.

Categorized as Troy


Just sending an update. Nothing going on

ULA launches Cygnus to Space Station

United Launch Alliance sent the Cygnus spacecraft up for a trip to the International Space Station last night around 10pm Wisconsin time. A nice on time launch. My parents saw it while vacationing in Cape Canaveral. Lucky them. See the details on

Categorized as Troy

Spring Cleats

3 new pairs of cleats this spring. 1 set for Kase in soccer. 1 set for Gus in soccer (or as he calls it, “real football”). And a new set for me (after a dozen plus years (with a bunch of those just sitting in the closet) my old pair gave out last year). Look… Continue reading Spring Cleats

Categorized as Boys, Troy