We did it!

Nick and I completed the MS 150.

We each got in our 75 miles on Saturday and Sunday, leading team MGE to the finish line.

All riders combined (over 1400) raised a new record amount of money to help fight MS. We raised around $1.4 million. Thank you again to everyone who helped out and donated money to fight this devestating disease.

The ride was fun. It was bright and sunny all day long from Waukesha to Whitewater. Sunday, it was wet and rainy for most of the day, probably the first 55 miles it was raining consistently.

Nick and I are looking forward to doing it all again next year! And we are already talking about doing the 100 mile loops (an extra 25 miles per day from what we did this year).

Thanks again for your support!

Categorized as Troy

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