On Saturday, I helped put a pool on the roof. In some sort of terms, anyway.
My father-in-law lost a 10 foot by 3 foot section of shingles from his roof during the blizzard. Well, it is too cold to get new shingles up (you want it to be warm, so they won’t bend and crack), so the temporary fix was to nail down some sheet metal.
It just so happens, in my father-in-law’s goal to never throw anything away that might be useful several years from now, that he had the metal side wall from the old pool still taking up space in storage. So, we spent Saturday afternoon on the roof, fitting pieces of the puzzle into the whole in the roof.
In all honesty, the task at hand seemed much worse than it actually was. That being said, the hardest part is yet to come, and that is properly fixing the roof when the weather is warm enough to support such an endeavor.