Chris is happily Skyping away in Japan, and you can Skype with him too! Just search for his name in Skype, and you should be able to find him. If that doesn’t work, let me know, and I can hook you up.
Also, we got his snail-mail address too, so we can send him packages and good stuff like that. It will live permanently in the right column near the clock, but also in this post:
A1C Christopher Kulke
PSC 80 BOX 20596
APO, AP 96367
He is living in on-base in a “dorm” type building. 4 stories, and he is on the fourth, with a nice view of a rotating orange radar dish out his window. It is approximately a 2 mile jaunt for him to get to work, once he starts that. He is currently going through “in-processing” which will take about three weeks.
He definitely needs some decorations in his room, so send him some pictures, letters, and packages!