Hey, I got some pictures from the rain last night. Specifically, from the fun aftermath in the backyard. Check them out in this Dropbox Gallery.
Ooh, and these are from my new Sony H55 camera. My old camera died, it is the first camera I have that died. Less than two years old, and boy was I upset. It died with the lens out, and wouldn’t power up. So, I did some research to try and find a solution, because I knew the cost to fix it would be more than what the camera was worth. All the research failed. So, I took it apart. A dozen micro screws later, I flipped out the LCD screen and it’s protector, and found something went ka-blewy on the circuit board. It looked just like a mini explosion. A couple of hours later, after research on a new camera, and the H55 was ordered, with it’s 14.1 megapixel images and a 10x optical zoom. So far, I have nothing but praise for the camera.
It is actually fun to look at your pictures, with the new computer. How fast. The boys look kike they were having a great time.