Kasimir and Augustus were declared Junior Fire Chiefs this weekend.
On Saturday, we left Melody at home, and went down to Oregon, WI to watch the Manitowoc v. Madison basketball game. Kase and Gus loved to run around with their cousins Braedon, Cameron, and Brady.
After the game, we went to McDonalds for lunch, where they were having Fire Truck rides. So, the three of us went for a ride. Gus sat on my lap, and Kase got to sit by the window! He loved it. They both received firemen helmets, some stickers, and an awesome experience. Unfortunately for all of you, I did not have a camera. So, you will just have to use your imagination (remember when that was all we had!?!).
For those of you in the Oregon area, this looks to be a pretty regular event. Check out the Oregon Fire and EMS web site for the schedule.
Very Cool! I live in Oregon and didn’t know that went on! Sorry we missed the game. Who won?
Multiple games were played on Saturday, and I think they ended up tying in the “W” column.
You know, watching these guys play made me think I could have held my own with them. At least, I would have been able to keep up!