Weekend fun

What a great weekend.

Started out Saturday morning with a 35 mile bike ride. And I was home by 8:30 for breakfast (well, second breakfast for me!). Check out the video of it on my goofy YouTube Channel.

Cut the lawn on Saturday, spent time with the boys, took all three of them to the pool, which took Rett a little bit to get used to, but was a lot of fun. I feel like I did a lot more on Saturday, but my memory escapes me. I must be getting old.

For Sunday, we did some shopping. Kase gave me a card that he made during school, and was totally cool. Gus gave me a singing card from the whole family. I also got a book, titled something like “All the things dads can’t do.” It is a children’s book, but a lot of fun for me to read to them.

Kase and Gus start swimming lessons today. Kase has his first piano lesson tomorrow.

Oh, and Kase is riding his bike sans training wheels. Melody had the great idea to take them to a big open space, so last week we went to the empty elementary school parking lot. Mel took Kase, and literally no more than two minutes later, he was riding by himself. Of course, there are three vehicles in the parking lot, and Kase (as any kid would) found a way to run into all three of them. Gus is close to balancing without his training wheels too. A few more practices for him this week, and he will have it.

A busy week for us followed by a full weekend in ‘Towoc. Five days back in C-town, and then to the cabin for 10 days of relaxing in northern Wisconsin.

Don’t forget, please sponsor me on my bike ride! Click on my bike on the right side of the screen for all the gory details!

Categorized as Troy

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