Columbus Preschool

Have you seen the new Preschool website? If you haven’t, be sure to check it out at Melody is even performing the updates on it.

And just so you know, the Preschool is doing a fundraiser this weekend on May 9th. Come to their their bake sale at the Fireman’s Park in Columbus. And while you are there, you can watch Kase performing a Double Header in flag football (games at 11 and 12). After the game, you can come over to our house early for Kase’s birthday party, featuring Godzilla!

Also, as a super weekend treat, you can check out the following: Celebrate Spring with the blooming of the famous Columbus Redbud Trees. First Lion’s Brat Stand of the new year, special events throughout the city, city-wide garage sale, sidewalk sales and the Columbus Prince and Princess contest.

Categorized as Troy

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