Time to ride your bicycle

Oh, you already are riding your bicycle? Good for you. But why are you riding? For your health? Great reason. For the environment? Great reason. Because it is fun? Great reason.

But this year, I want you to ride to help others. I want you to join my team and ride in the MS 150 Best Dam Bike Ride August 1 and 2. I know you are capable of it, I have seen others do it, and believe me, if they can, you can too.

The MS 150 is a gathering of over 1,600 cyclists from mostly Wisconsin showing that they want to stop the crippling affects of Multiple Sclerosis. In 2008, over $1.5 million dollars was raised via this one event alone.

With your help, I was able to raise $1,540. Thank you for your generosity and support. But take a moment, and think about how much more money could be raised if you ride. You need to raise a minimum of $300. And once you ask a couple of friends, your family, and some co-workers, you will be amazed how easy it is and how rewarding it feels. Trust me on this.

So, I really want you to consider riding with me this year. I am riding on the MGE Power Peddlers, and you can click here to join my team. (As a bonus for 2009, I have a coupon so any “rookie” rider can register for free. Just ask me for the code before you register.) DBDRookie2009 And if you were wondering, most people on the team are not workers at MGE. Most are friends of a small group of MGE riders.

So, what are you waiting for? Click on the link above and ride your bike with me!

Categorized as Troy

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