After much delay, more pictures!

After a long delay, I have finally got the rest of 2008 quarter 3 pictures out for your personal enjoyment.

Yes, most of the pictures star Leverett Mel, but what else would you expect for such an awesome little son.

Some things you should know about Leverett before you jump into the pictures:

  • He is a great sleeper, must be his large size!
  • He is a noisy sleeper, always making grunts, wheezes, and just countless, wonderful baby noises.
  • It is difficult to squeeze him in his car seat.
  • He was Baptized October 12 (no pictures of this glorious event yet, but soon!).
  • He is letting Melody rest a little, and she is well on her way to a good recovery after the C-Section

OK, enough of the chit-chat, on to the picture. I have uploaded 34 pictures tonight, a small sample of what I have on file. Please enjoy them all!

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