Download Day TODAY!

Firefox 3.0 comes out today at noon local Wisconsin time! Be sure to help set the record for the most downloads in a 24 hour period by going to the Download Day Headquarters.

If you are not already using Firefox, you are missing out on the best web browsing experience available! It is faster than Internet Explorer, more secure, and has more customizable features.

So, don’t forget to download (on all your computers) Firefox 3.0 anytime after Noon today to help set the record!

Categorized as Troy


  1. I did my part – I just wish it would tell you what add-ons are incompatible before upgrading.

  2. I downloaded the new software on only 1 of 3 computers I use. I am a slacker. I am using Release Candidates on all my PCs though. Sounds like there were about 8 million downloads, and the numbers are being audited for the Guinness World Record now.

    I agree with your comment about add-ons, but it wouldn’t have stopped me from downloading anyway.

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