Ha ha ha {insert evil laugh here}

Well, I was going to skip this post, and be happy with 29 for the month of April, but I just couldn’t get so close and not get “30 in 30.”

But, this post is not about me, it is about you! While I have struggled to get 30 posts published, all of you worked together and put 35 comments on the blog! Wow. And I know there are a couple that didn’t get posted because of some problems I have been having lately. So, for good measure add at least one, if not more.

Thank you for putting up with my month of useless stuff. And thank you for putting up with a site re-design. Still haven’t heard from anybody if they like the new look and feel. Please chip in your thoughts, and I will take your comments and work with them.


Categorized as Troy

1 comment

  1. We certainly enjoy reading your postings and keeping us informed about the family. Being able to see the family photos has been great. It’s our only real connection to all of you back in Wisconsin!

    Keep up the good work!

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