Snow brings 39 photos.

Do like like the new snow on the web site? For those of you with Firefox, you might not see it (I am trying to troubleshoot it, got any ideas?), but for everyone else, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Also, I took the time to present you with 39 awesome pictures. We’ve got: a rocking birthday party at the Essen Haus; Melody, Troy, and drywall; Kase and Gus doing their thing; PAINT; Enjoying the first snow of the season (on Thanksgiving Day); Wood floor goodness (very very good); Grooving to music at The Avenue; and the simple enjoyment of finished floors and bare feet.

3886 So, what are you waiting for? Click to the left to see the fun!

Oh, and let me know if those snowflakes are slowing down your picture viewing experience! OK?


  1. The house looks great. Can’t wait to see it in person. Looking forward to seeing you all on the 21st!

  2. I love your snowflakes, as far as I’m concerned that would need to be the only snow I see for the rest of the winter. The house really does look great. I love the floors and the colors on the walls are great. See you on the 22nd and we will be coming to Madison on the 26th and staying until the 31st.
    Luv ya,
    Mom 🙂

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