MS Weekly Factoid #5

Migration from one geographic area to another seems to alter a person’s risk of developing MS. Studies indicate that immigrants and their descendants tend to take on the risk level—either higher or lower—of the area to which they move. The change in risk, however, may not appear immediately. Those who move before the age of 15 tend to take on the new risk themselves. For those who move after the age of 15, the change in risk level may not appear until the next generation. While underlining the complex relationship between environmental and genetic factors in determining who develops MS, these studies have also provided support for the opinion that MS is caused by early exposure to some environmental trigger in genetically susceptible individuals.

Changing your geographic area will require a longer distance than what a 150 mile bicycle trip can get you, but this 150 miles will help raise a lot of money for those affected with Multiple Sclerosis.

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