…and XM to Boot!

I picked up my new car last night. But, I am not going to tell you what it is. I have a picture of it, but I don’t have my wire with me to hook up to the PC, so you will just have to wait. If you know what it is (a select few of you who read this blog should know), feel free to leave a comment and tell the world. The others of you can guess until that time. I will give you a small hint. It is a car, not a truck, SUV, cross-over, or any other type of vehicle, and gets 28/36 miles to the gallon! Yippy!

But the stereo in it is XM ready, and I get 90 days of XM “free” with the purchase of the new car. So far, that is all I have listened to, although it is a little daunting to surf through 200+ stations (at least it seems to be that many or more). I was disappointed when I was jamming to a 90s hit (channel 009) and I drove into the parking ramp and lost the signal.

This afternoon Kase and Gus and I are making a run to Caldwell Lumber in Columbus to get more sand for the sand box. The boys have been digging it down to dirt, and they have only played in it about 5 times this year. So, I am going to fill it up, and then add some seats to the edge of the sandbox. Maybe (I know this part is a pipe dream), just maybe, the seats in the sandbox will keep their little rear ends a little bit cleaner.

Categorized as Troy


  1. We say…YEAH!!!!!
    About the seats and sand of course! 😉

    Oh, and the car is nice too. Especially climbing in and out of the trunk through the back seats!

  2. While the Mini Cooper would be fun, I decided to go a bit more practical (i.e. four doors), and actually have a chance of hauling around the family in this car.

    The new car has six air bags, 4 wheel disc brakes, and ABS.

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